Saturday 22 August 2015

being me

This summer has truly been an adventure for me... A lot of it was really amazing, I was finally well enough to travel on my own to BC, for three weeks! And yet a lot of it was really hard for me.  I am realising the hard way, once again, that I am not a "normal" teenager.  I don't like partying all the time, or getting sucked in to all of the negative drama. I am so glad that I am getting better, but I am also learning that, that comes with a lot of new struggles.. I have no friends, yet I want to be social.  I have a year until college, yet I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. But I think the main thing that I am struggling with, is finding out who I am.  What I like and what I don't, but also the people I want to surround myself with. For two and a half years, cancer was my main that I am getting my own life back, I really have to figure out what I want myself and my new life, to look like.