Monday, 17 March 2014

delays delays delays

Every so often (every month or so) I have to go in to the hospital for five full days of chemo.  I am also supposed to get a lumbar puncture once a month, and take plenty of chemo pills every day.  That is what my treatment plan looks like right now. But I have not had my chemo pills for almost a month now, and I was due to go in for my five days of chemo (5 day stint, is what it's called) three weeks ago.  I haven't gotten any of my treatment because my body just isn't recovering.  I don't have enough white cells for them to give me chemo therapy, because I need white cells to heal.  This is very frustrating for me because the doctors tell me every time I see them, how important it is to take my medication.  Sure, chemo makes me feel like crap for a while, but in the long run I know it is important and will save my life.  So thinking about the long run of things, not taking chemo therapy when I'm due for it, makes me worry about going into relapse, and that is a very scary thought.  The only nice thing about not being on chemo for so long is my hair is growing, fast. I probably have half an inch of hair now!  I really hope that when I do finally get my treatment, my hair doesn't fall out again.

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