Wednesday, 12 February 2014

life as we know it

Life as we know it, is hard.  Every one knows that, but what not enough people realise, is that it's all the hard days, that makes us truly appreciate the good ones.  I'm a glass half full kind of girl, and what I have learned over the past few weeks, is to really appreciate the life we are given.  Right now I'm laying in my hospital bed with a bad case of the shingles, but honestly I haven't been this happy in a long time.  Today I got up, had a full breakfast, brushed my teeth and did my exercises.  For most people that's normal and not a big deal, but for me just doing that was huge.  I'm noticing improvement in myself, even though I'm still really sick, I feel great because I'm trying my very hardest to get better.  Its all about your state of mind, I have been laying down in a bed, or sitting around on a couch for almost a year now, and I have lost all my muscle.  To get up and start moving again takes a lot of will power, and strength.  Yesterday I walked beside my mom for the first time in a long time, just walking, not limping or really struggling, and it was so nice.  The point of all this, is that things are truly starting to look up, I'm trying harder and I'm seeing improvement, and for the first time, I can actually visualise myself healthy and getting better.  It's the most amazing feeling in the world, and I plan on continuing forward.  No one should ever give up, no matter how hard it seems.


  1. We, your family, are so very proud of you. It has been a long, hard, painful struggle for you but you have kept your sense of humour and has been able to laugh at yourself. We believe you are a courageous young woman and wish you all the best as you go on another path of your life's journey back to health and normalcy. Lots of love, hugs and congrats from the May's.
