Tuesday, 31 December 2013

not my best Christmas...

So as I was saying before, these past few weeks have been really hard, and yet they have managed to get worse.  The first week I was put on high dose methotrexate (chemotherapy) and that took a lot out of me.  I went home hoping for a week of recovery time, but I realised if I did that, I would then be in hospital on Christmas. I was home for one night, and then I went to my uncles because he lives a lot closer to the hospital.  I went to the hospital everyday for an other week getting various chemo therapies, they were all very long days. Then I finally went home, to see my mom for her birthday.  After a couple nights at home, we had to go back to the hospital for a check up.  My counts were so low, and I was so dehydrated that the hospital said I had to spend the night there and get some transfusions.  They released me on Christmas Eve and I went home and relaxed with my family but I still wasn't feeling well. By the time Christmas came around, I managed to get out of bed and do presents but then I got a fever and my mom and I had to go back to the hospital :( I was only supposed to stay for 48 hours but they found an infection in my blood, and i wasn't able to eat or drink anything because I had really bad mouth sores and couldn't stop throwing up, so now I have to be here for at least 10 days. I have something wrong with my intestines so they're treating me for that, but I also have fluid under my knee cap and there is something wrong with my hip, so I can't really walk.  I still have pretty bad mouth sores and still can't eat so I'm on lots of IV meds, and they're giving me nutrition through IV as well. I'm hoping to get better and go home soon because it honestly feels like I haven't been home in forever, and I'm just really tired, sore, and sick of the hospital.

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