Tuesday, 1 October 2013

fever admissions

Admissions suck.  There's no getting around it, they just suck.  For those of you who don't know, an admission is when you have to stay over-night at a hospital.  Most of the time, when I'm in for an admission it's because im getting chemo, they usualy last for about 6 days, and im scheduled to go in every two weeks.  My problem, is that i always seem 100 times more sick in hospital than I do at home.  In hospital you have nurses coming in waking you up all throughout the night, every one wants to take your temperature and your blood pressure, and the food tastes like hospital food.  Not only that but you are attached to an IV pole that beeps really loudly almost every hour for the entire time you're there (I have named my IV pole Stuart, because I think everything should have a name).  If I wasn't already really sick because of the chemo, none of this stuff would seem so bad.  I've gotten used to the chemo admissions though, because you know when they are coming so you can brace yourself for them.  When you think about it, after every admission you are just one step closer to being done with all of this, thats what I always think to myself when I'm feeling down about being in the hospital and feeling like crap "This too shall pass".  The reason I haven't blogged lately is because I have been in hospital for a different kind of admission, this time it was because I got a fever.  I know that might seem silly to most of you, but when you really think about it, I have pretty much no imune system, that means I have no good cells to fight off anything on my own.  When you get a fever, that means your body is trying to fight something.  So if I didn't go into the hospital right away, and gotten lots of antibiotics, the simple little cold that I have, would have killed me.  Fever admissions arent as bad as chemo admissions because you aren't getting medicine that litteral kills all cells in your body, but you have to sit there for 4 days, getting antibiotics, which have some pretty nasty side effects.  I'm still laying in my hospital bed, i'm on the fourth day of being here, so I should be going home right now, but I'm not sure if they are going to let me leave or not because I'm pretty sick.  There isn't much good to this post, but I really want every one out there to enjoy the lives that they have to the fullest.  Enjoy your home cooked meals, enjoy your feelings of health and strength, and family and friends, because not everybody has that.  So when you do have all that, It's important to realize it.

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